Rick Perry, governor of Texas? He was going to secede from the Union just before the election in 2010. The man, like Bush, is totally owned and operated by the Texas oil cartel.
the presidential race will be so much fun........ .
pawlenty was on this morning touting himself and i dozed off after 1 minute of his talking .
Rick Perry, governor of Texas? He was going to secede from the Union just before the election in 2010. The man, like Bush, is totally owned and operated by the Texas oil cartel.
are jehovah's witnesses the only religion teaching the truth?.
the statement that only jehovah's witnesses are teaching the truth is an extraordinary claim.
such a claim would require extraordinary evidence.
Excellent comment, nugget!
Sometimes I wonder if these trolls even read what they've written. What exactly did 1pnt say?
I got this message through a contact form on my website. I read it every so often when there's nothing good on TV...
"Jehovah winnesses are THE true RElgion! I know cause they told me to. They are the onlie ones Jehovah talks to and it says so in the Watchtower. Sometimes in the Awake to! All other trinity and hellfire religions are false religions and thats because they dont understnd the bilbe like our slave class does. I know JW is the right religion becasuse I fell so good going to meetings and being around other Jehovah lovers. You are all ingorant and will miss out on lving for ever in God's only kindgom that came in 1914. I feal sorry for you, but I dont'"
So sad...
on the next cult free radio show we will discuss how and why the watchtower society controls more than just behavior, information, thoughts, and emotions.
they also control your local kingdom hall building, the local jehovah's witness congregation's bank account, and whatever other valuable assets they can get their corporate hands on.. how do they do it?
why do the local witnesses let them?
pdfs can be obtained at jw.org.... spiritual gem #1. perhaps witnesses should apply the standard the wt recommends for gathering information on the internet to wt publications; from page 4:.
(1) who published this.
I don't know if anyone has brought this up so far, but I have two questions:
Scenario One:
What if there are not enough "anointed" to complete a full set of Governing Body members? What if all the remaining anointed ones are in rest homes or in hospice, or are Altzeimers patients, or are simply alive but otherwise brain dead? Will members of the Great Crowd of Other Sheep no longer be sheep, but actual members of the Slave Class?
Scenario Two:
What happens if the number of partakers (especially among the older brothers and sister who have been faithful for 25 years or more all decide that they are specially chosen, quit having visions of New Earth human existence and realize that they too have the heavenly hope) begin to climb each year to an unsupportable number, like say 100,000? Or maybe even 144,500? Then what is the Watchtower going to do? Say that the apostles and early Christians are really part of the Great Crowd because they didn't really understand the Bible as well as modern Jehovah's Witnesses do?
I am quite sure that at some point the Watchtower will come out and admit that the 144,000 is a symbolic number using 12X12X1000 to show that the number was special, like 7X70 and 7000 years, etc. I think they will make this change within the next few years. That will really be freeeeking NOO LITE!
dear friends:.
is it just disorientation, getting old...?.
i awoke this morning and really did not know where i was.
We love our CoCo!!!
well here goes... i apologize in advance if this turns into a long and disjointed rant, but i just have to begin typing in order to keep from exploding.
i realize that what im about to say could seriously jeopardize my anonymity, but i think ive reached the point that i just dont care.
i want this to be over.. let me explain what caused me to rip up a letter and get up and walk out in the middle of an elders meeting two weekends ago.. our boe has been embroiled in a nasty fight for the past 2 years over a certain brothers business dealings.
AlmightyDog - You have a PM
after such a traumatic experience in the jehovah's witness religion and reasoning on all other versions of religion, why do so many just jump ship into another religion offering the world but still delivering nothing!.
appreciate your comments,.
star tiger.
I am always surprised at how many former ex-JWs end up in evangelical community churches. Some of them even support and practice "shunning" of dissident members. This totally amazes me.
It's like trading white wine for red. It may look different and even taste different, but it will still make you drunk and kill you if you drink too much of it.
BRCI, and some other more prominent ex-JW groups, seem to push a more liberal Southern Baptist teaching and ethic, like Rick Warren of the Saddleback Church in Southern California. I've been to that church and I've read Warren's book, but it's still the same message that all evangelical churches push. While they really don't push their theology on stage, deferring to "feel good" music and "love your neighbor and be a good family member" sermons, when you go in for their "Bible studies," it's the same Trinitarian, Hellfire and brimstone, born-again theology most of us have realized to be the same warmed over Calvinistic crap we all tried to escape when we joined the Borg. An overweight, goateed, Hawaiian shirt wearing Bible thumper may be a more relaxed and entertaining religious leader, but he's still spouting the same fairy tales that conservative religous groups have taught for 600 years.
Is following Warren, Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, Bob Schuller, Paul Crouch, and Benny Hinn the way to escape a religious cult. And the Mormons - I've known some very well - and they are for the most part good people, but they believe bigger fairy tales than the JWs could ever preach and their corporate structure is even more corrupt than that of the Watchtower.
When you finally escape from the cult, why in the world would you want to dive right back into another similar situation. Remember, William Miller (of the "Great Dissapointment"), the great-great grandfather of Jehovah's Witnesses - was a Baptist preacher.
there are 3 really basic releases for the dc this year.
revised vol 1 of young people ask.................hmmm lot of work in that one.
new brochure.
"Petting" vs. "Heavy Petting"
Heavy Petting is when you are no longer just "brushing by the nasty parts," and are actually manhandling them...
I think that's right. It's been a long time since I ever did any kind of petting. The only petting I do now is scratching the back of my Maltese.
for those of you that have been following the ongoing story of the forced take over of the menlo park, california kingdom hall, please go to:.
i'm sorry, the article is still a little rough and still needs a lot of editing, but i wanted to get it up by today at the latest.
Sorry I missed your question. I can't can't get to all of the court records because I don't live in the area, although I travel there frequently. Some of the court documents are posted online on Justia, but not all. The local reporter has been helpful by getting PDF copies of the court documents and sending them to me. If you read the article "Fear and Loathing in Menlo Park" on Ex-JW.com, you will see at the end of the article I have posted copies of all the court documents that were available at that time.
Police reports are a different situation. Reporters can often see the police reports, but most are not readily available to the general public. Some other legal documents are also restricted unless you have official status or are a reporter for a local newspaper.
There are a lot of documents that I've seen in connection with this case, but not allowed to publish or make copies. Some of my contacts will tell me what a document says, but will not or can not provide me with a copy. So I must be careful to not overreach and make statements that can not be supported by clear evidence.
There is much more to this story. I have feelers out all over the country to find out the facts about other KH situations where the Kingdom Hall was snatched, taken over, or sold out from under the existing congregation. There is plenty of evidence that these things are going on, but it would be better to have names, dates and places to support the articles I write. For someone like me, who has no official status or credentials - as well as branded as an apostate, getting documented facts can be very difficult.
i'm hoping someone can help me with this:.
as many of you know, i've been reporting and researching on the takeover scandal at the menlo park kingdom hall.
there is much more to report on this case, which i will as soon as possible, but i've been asked to hold off for a bit while some things sort themselves out.. two requests:.
I'm hoping someone can help me with this:
As many of you know, I've been reporting and researching on the takeover scandal at the Menlo Park Kingdom Hall. There is much more to report on this case, which I will as soon as possible, but I've been asked to hold off for a bit while some things sort themselves out.
Two requests:
1. Can anyone point me to three or more Kingdom Halls in the USA that have recently been taken over, shutdown, or combined where the existing elders were basically fired and maybe disgraced. I've heard from an anonymous contact located in Western Pennsylvania that this type of thing has happened there and also in Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee. Unfortunately, the information was only "a tip" and no specific locations could be provided to me or other contacts.
Richard Rawe, a well-known ex-JW elder from Washington state, experienced a situation like this, but his story dates back to the early 1990s. I'd like to hear something more current.
2. I've received a tip that a congregation in or near Sacramento, CA actually VOTED DOWN a proposed replacement or change in their Kingdom Hall. I do not have any specific information, but it seems to be similar to the Menlo Park situation, but the locals stood up to the RBC / WTBS and voted down a proposed merger or replacement. The rumor is that the RBC backed off, possibly because they did not want to have another Menlo Park scandal to deal with.
I'm located in Oregon, but travel to northern California frequently. If anyone knows about this case, or another similar situation, please contact me via PM or by email at jviejo@ex-jw.com. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I guarantee your total anonymity if you choose to assist me.
Thanks everyone! I've had a lot of help through this forum that I can never pay back, especially on the Menlo Park story. I expect a major turn of events in June (2011) in connection with that ongoing court case.